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Thank You To Our Sponsors!
Global Fatty Liver Day 2024

June 13 is Global Fatty Liver Day. On this day, buildings across Canada are lit green to raise awareness about fatty liver disease.

Fatty liver disease, also called MASLD (metabolic dysfunction associated steatotic liver disease) is a risk factor for liver cancer. It affects approximately 20% of all Canadians and is when too much fat is stored in the liver; this is non-alcoholic in nature (Canadian Liver Foundation, 2023).

Supporters were able to capture this event in the following photographs. Thank you everyone for sharing these beautiful photos with us!

Thank You To Our Sponsors!
Disclaimer: The information on this website is for educational purposes only. Please consult your doctor for professional medical advice.

©2025 Cholangio-Hepatocellular Carcinoma Canada
Charitable Registration Number 709631014 RR 0001